Adult Day Care Center in Wenonah, NJ

If you are in need of an adult day care center in Wenonah, NJ, Communicare Adult Day Health Care in Sewell is here for you. We help to meet the needs of your loved ones, with individual care for seniors and impaired adults. Our trained staff also helps residents and their families to adapt to physical, mental and emotional changes in the aging process. We are just a short distance away, and we offer transportation service to and from our facility if needed.

Do you have a need for an adult day care center in Wenonah now? We’ll be happy to show you around our facility and tell you more about how we can help. Click here to schedule a tour today.

About Our Senior And Impaired Assistance

At Communicare, we focus on providing a safe and structured day care program that includes health services and therapeutic activities for adults. Our staff works closely with your family member to enhance their quality of life as much as possible. We also stay in communication with you, and help educate you on caring for your loved one.

We’ve been a convenient choice for an adult day care center in Wenonah since 1997, and we’re a leading provider of adult day care services in the area. We focus on improving residents’ physical, emotional, and mental well-being as they face aging challenges. We believe in the importance of communication with our residents and their families, and offering a true cornerstone of support.

Communicare offers a variety of programs to help support your loved one’s needs. Our services include memory care, wound care, nutrition guidance, multiple therapies, and mental health treatment. Our trained and experienced professionals know how to assist impaired adults, and help them to maintain quality of life. In addition, we offer a wide variety of enjoyable activities, including yoga, games, indoor sports, religious study and more.

Your Established Destination For An Adult Day Care Center in Wenonah, NJ – Contact Us Today.

At Communicare, we offer both care and activities for your loved one, and we also help make caring for them easier for you. If you’d like to find out more about why we’re your compassionate and convenient choice for an adult day care center in Wenonah, click here today to schedule a tour or use the form below to contact us. We’re looking forward to meeting you and your family, and show you how we help seniors and impaired adults enjoy their lives.

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    Still have more questions? Find out more about what makes us your answer for an adult day care center in Wenonah on our FAQ page.