Communicare Adult Day Health Care offers convenient, reliable, and safe transportation services to and from the program. Our transportation vehicles are well-maintained and our drivers are experienced and professional.
To learn more about our services on transportation, please contact us at (856) 589-7723.
To schedule transportation, clients simply need to contact Communicare at least 24 hours in advance. The transportation staff will work with clients to schedule a pick-up and drop-off time that is convenient for them.
The transportation services are available Monday through Friday for both AM pickup and PM return. Communicare also offers transportation for special events, such as doctor's appointments and shopping trips. Our services on transportation are a valuable resource for clients and their families.
They make it possible for clients to attend Communicare Adult Day Health Care, even if they do not have their own transportation. This service also provides peace of mind for families, knowing that their loved ones are being transported safely and comfortably.

Benefits of using Communicare Adult Day Health Care's transportation services:
- Convenience: Communicare's transportation service is door-to-door, which means that clients do not have to worry about getting to and from the program on their own.
- Safety: Communicare's drivers are experienced and professional, and they are trained to assist clients with disabilities.
- Reliability: Communicare's transportation services are reliable and on-time.
- Affordability: The transportation services are included in the cost of the program.
If you are interested in learning more about Communicare Adult Day Health Care's transportation services, please contact us at (856) 589-7723.